AmpLAfy Episode 6

April 14, 2021Podcast
Phantom limb pain affects up to 98% of amputees - and yet, despite this huge figure, research in this area remains limited. Dr Soori and Kim Lyons, both specialists in this area, examine what phantom pain and sensation actually are, and explain the latest treatments and developments, while above knee amputee David Rose shares his [...]

Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awarness Month

April 1, 2021Blog
Throughout April, the LA will be proudly supporting Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month across our social media, on our website and at our online Virtually Speaking events. Many of our members experience phantom limb pain so we are bringing together specialists in this area to talk about this important issue during #LLLDAM #NoAmputeeNeedCopeAlone. [...]

AmpLAfy Episode 5

March 31, 2021Podcast
When faced with any major life change or challenge, we humans have an incredible capacity for resilience. However, we often don’t realise this until we have to. From the world of work to going on holiday, amputees are perhaps more aware than most people that there is more than one conventional way to do things. [...]

AmpLAfy Episode 4

March 17, 2021Podcast
When you lose a limb, the reactions from people around you can be varied and unpredictable. Many people simply don’t know what to say. Amputation is a trauma – not just for the individual, but also for their family and friends. Many close family members experience psychological trauma as a result, and may put their [...]

How the LA is here for you during the pandemic

March 9, 2021Blog
We just want to let you know that we are still open for business. It’s important that we all continue to follow the government guidelines around social distancing and, for some of our community, that will mean shielding too. As we all navigate our individual and specific challenges, it’s vital that we stay connected and, [...]

Could you leave a legacy?

March 9, 2021Blog
Gifts in wills are vital in enabling the LA to continue its support for amputees. Legacy commitments have always been so important to the Limbless Association and continue to be a source of income that we are always extremely grateful to receive. Legacy donations enable us to maintain the support services that we offer to [...]

Virtually Speaking During the Pandemic

March 9, 2021Blog
The LA’s LA Community Hubs haven’t gone away during lockdown – you’ll now find them online, where they are bringing amputees together virtually. One of the positive outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the rise in people who were previously tentative about technology taking up virtual communication. Across the UK, we’ve seen grandparents FaceTiming [...]

AmpLAfy Episode 3

March 3, 2021Podcast
How to set and achieve goals, from small steps to big dreams. As humans, achieving targets we set ourselves brings natural satisfaction. Think about crossing off a to-do list, finishing the housework, handing in a big project or crossing the finish line of a run. The satisfaction of completion fulfils us all, in many ways, [...]

“Paralympians are used to adapting”

February 27, 2021Blog
With the Japan 2020 Games postponed, sprinter Julie Rogers’ Paralympic dreams are on hold until next year. She explains how she’s remaining positive and determined to succeed. I was born with a congenital condition which meant that the tibia and fibula bones in my right leg didn’t form properly, so it had to be amputated [...]

“The LA has improved my life in so many ways”

February 27, 2021Blog
What’s it like to volunteer for the LA? We ask Ian O’Loughlin, a volunteer visitor at the LA. “The LA has improved my life in so many ways” A friendly atmosphere and rewarding work mean Ian O’Loughlin loves his role as a volunteer at the LA. Ian has over 30 years’ experience working in a [...]