Clinical Negligance Case Study – Enable Law

June 19, 2024Legal
Find out More Michael was 51 and had type 2 diabetes for 10 years. He was treated with metformin and attained good diabetic control. His had not developed any complications of his diabetes. He was an active walker and enjoyed riverbank fishing and holidays with his partner He complained of left foot pain and saw [...]

My 100th Blood Donation

January 9, 2024Blog
Find out More A journey that for me commenced in April of 1976, reached a significant milestone in December 2023; my 100th blood donation! But why do I think it's important that those of us who can, continue to donate blood in support of the NHS Blood and Transplant Service? On average, 4,300 blood donations [...]

Climbing the O2 – Out on a Limb

August 23, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Volunteer Visitor Helen was born with bilateral fibula hemimelia - she is an above knee amputee on one side and also wears a below knee prosthetic on the other. This year, Helen took part in our O2 Summer Climb, and shares her story about her experience of one of our Life After [...]

Crispin’s Story: If I can do it, they can.

June 20, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Crispin was 18 when he lost his hand in a factory accident. He didn’t know any other amputees and it was only in 2021 while training to become a Volunteer Visitor that he spoke to another amputee for the first time… I adapted “I lost my left hand in 1989 in a [...]

Alvin’s Story: Tapping into life experience is raw knowledge

June 7, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Alvin was in his late twenties when a motorcycle accident led to significant injury and 5 years of pain. Here, he shares his story about making the difficult decision to have elective surgery and become an amputee, and how the Volunteer Visitor role has inspired him to support others… ‘Before my accident, [...]

The Limbless Association Supports Patrick’s Recovery

May 16, 2022Blog
Find out More When Patrick Kelly had a double-amputation, it was a life-changing experience, but support from the Limbless Association has helped him get his life back on track.   Patrick is a retired electrical engineer and lives in Corby with his wife Evelyn. After years of discomfort and pain from an old injury to [...]

Show your LAove for the LA this month!

February 14, 2022Blog
Find out More Today is VaLAntine’s Day, but we’re spreading LAove throughout all of February! Our LAove campaign aims to make you smile, feel the love and share your love to help us ensure that no amputee need cope alone. Go to our LAove page or follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for [...]

Decorations for Donations

December 12, 2021Fundraising
Find out More If you’ve decorated the outside of your house, office or shop for Christmas, your lights could be supporting lives beyond limb loss! Please ask passers-by, your colleagues or customers to make a donation to the Limbless Association as they enjoy your festive display. We've created a festive poster for you to print [...]