Climbing the O2 in 2023! Sponsored by Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP

August 25, 2023Blog, Fundraising
Find out More Anthony Gold Solicitors have supported the work undertaken by the Limbless Association for many years, and we are honoured to continue to demonstrate our support. Climbing the O2 which, at its highest point is 52 metres is no mean feat. Being able to do this climb as an able-bodied person is a [...]

Celebrating 39 Years – Chair of Trustees Blog

November 2, 2022Blog
Find out More My grasp of Latin has never been a strong point, but as I get older I find myself better understanding the saying: 'tempus fugit', or in other words, time flies! Time certainly flies Wednesday of last week saw the great and the good of the amputee community come together to celebrate the [...]

Climbing the O2 – Out on a Limb

August 23, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Volunteer Visitor Helen was born with bilateral fibula hemimelia - she is an above knee amputee on one side and also wears a below knee prosthetic on the other. This year, Helen took part in our O2 Summer Climb, and shares her story about her experience of one of our Life After [...]

Crispin’s Story: If I can do it, they can.

June 20, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Crispin was 18 when he lost his hand in a factory accident. He didn’t know any other amputees and it was only in 2021 while training to become a Volunteer Visitor that he spoke to another amputee for the first time… I adapted “I lost my left hand in 1989 in a [...]

Alvin’s Story: Tapping into life experience is raw knowledge

June 7, 2022Blog, Volunteer Visitor
Find out More Alvin was in his late twenties when a motorcycle accident led to significant injury and 5 years of pain. Here, he shares his story about making the difficult decision to have elective surgery and become an amputee, and how the Volunteer Visitor role has inspired him to support others… ‘Before my accident, [...]

The Limbless Association Supports Patrick’s Recovery

May 16, 2022Blog
Find out More When Patrick Kelly had a double-amputation, it was a life-changing experience, but support from the Limbless Association has helped him get his life back on track.   Patrick is a retired electrical engineer and lives in Corby with his wife Evelyn. After years of discomfort and pain from an old injury to [...]