Training To Be An Amputee
Join our new training programme devised by amputees for amputees (and their families/carers)
`` Nobody trains to be an amputee ``
Why is Training To Be An Amputee needed?
Learn more about the programme below
Whether you or a loved one has experienced limb loss or is about to, it can be frightening, overwhelming and confusing. Each year here at the Limbless Association, our team support many amputees and their families to navigate the multiple and complex challenges of limb loss, here and now as well as looking to the future.
As a user-led charity, we know how tough this can be.
Everything we do is informed and shaped by our members, volunteers and service user voices. You’ve told us that there needs to be clearer and more comprehensive support and information to support the individual and their loved ones, especially in the early days and months following amputation (and pre-amputation).
We’ve listened and developed the Training To Be An Amputee programme. We believe that being better-informed leads to improved recovery and rehabilitation outcomes.