After one of my “fellow exercisers” in the Keep Moving classes had completed a walk in aid of the Limbless Association – and smashed it; it inspired me to challenge myself.
That’s when the O2 climb came in. A real challenge for me on a few counts – I don’t like heights; I didn’t know if I’d physically be able to do it as I also have issues with my remaining foot and leg. But I decided to go for it – so straightaway Geoff, my husband, knew that he was going to be part of this challenge as well!
I set up a Just Giving page and put up a poster in the shop/post office that we own; saying what I was attempting to do along with raising funds.
As the time grew nearer I became more and more nervous and really didn’t know if I’d be able to do it. Even more so on the day when we walked from the car park and saw the O2 in all its glory. What on earth was I doing here??

But once we met up with others in the group and we all got chatting; I knew exactly what I was doing. I was trying to raise money for a charity to which I owe so much- they literally got me through the early stage of my journey after my amputation and for that, I just want to thank and repay them.
We were split into 2 groups and just supported each other getting up – and down. The sense of achievement when we reached the top was surreal- I couldn’t believe I’d done that- we all had.
When we got down to the bottom we were all congratulating each other on our achievement. It made me realise just how far I’d come since my amputation.
But the best thing was that I managed to raise an amazing amount of money for the Limbless Association in the process; thanks to the incredible support I got from my family; friends; people who live in our village and fellow exercisers.
The support and amount raised is truly humbling; so an enormous thank you to each and every one who donated.
Blog post written by Sue Sellars.