One of the main issues that I’ve encountered in my 44 years of living as an amputee is managing my weight. I’ve always had a ‘healthy’ appetite and I enjoy a drink to two, within reason of course. However, as I look forward to a happy, and above all healthy future, I’m mindful of the potential problems with being a little overweight.
And here I’ve encountered a problem with the guidance that the NHS offers in this area of healthcare; the BMI scale (body mass index). The BMI calculation is just one measure of health and it cannot tell the difference between muscle and fat. For example, if you have a lot of muscle, you may be classed as overweight or obese despite having low body fat. This is why you may get a better idea of your overall health from measuring your waist. However, a higher BMI increases the chance of developing long-term conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But with regard to either of these measures, I decided that I needed to lose some weight.
I am fortunate to have access to a proactive local GP service here in Suffolk and following a full health check earlier this year, I was introduced to their social prescriber. Now this was a new concept to me and it was explained that social prescribing is a key component of the key NHS initiative entitled: “Universal Personalised Care“. It is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and well-being. But what did this mean for me as a 68-year-old amputee?
I was advised that my GP practice had developed a partnership with the County Council called “Feel Good Suffolk”. This specifically offered help with access to local weight loss programmes in my area, this included a twelve-week course with Slimming World. Now I’ve tried numerous diets and weight loss initiatives over the decades and nothing has really worked for me. So I approached the Slimming World programme with some trepidation. However, I’ve discovered a formula that works for me and I would like to share it with you!
The Slimming World concept of food optimising is the key to the success that I’ve achieved in only twelve weeks. When I stand on scales today, I’ve lost over two stones (13+ kilos) without dieting! The concept of food optimising is based on established healthy eating guidelines, as illustrated here.

Slimming World’s guidance identifies ‘free food’ such as vegetables, fruit, beans peas and lentils, eggs, fish, lean meat, and fat-free dairy products. Added to this, they outline ‘healthy extras’ such as milk, cheese, high-fibre cereals, wholemeal bread, nuts and seeds, and cooked fruit. Within these guidelines, I’ve enjoyed nutritious and tasty meals for three months and experienced a steady weight loss. This has of course involved moving away from processed foods such as pizzas, pies and my previous favourite, Cornish pasties! I have also reduced my alcohol consumption by over half what I used to drink. And I’ve found it easier to accommodate these changes than I ever imagined possible. I must also record my appreciation of my local Slimming World coordinator Natalie, whose support and encouragement helped me to achieve my goals.
I have however encountered one significant disadvantage along my weight loss journey. I’ve lost weight all over my body, including my residual right leg. I have talked to my prosthetist about what was happening and they have twice fitted linings to the inside of my ‘true-contact’ socket to help make up for my weight loss in this specific area. However, I’m now due to be re-measured for a new smaller volume socket to accommodate the change to my body shape. But this issue apart, my weight loss adventure has been a very positive experience. I feel better in myself and I’ve done much to improve my health from the inside.

There are many weight loss programme around today, and I would encourage everyone to at least have a look at what’s available locally. You never know, you might find something that can change your life for the better!
David Rose